Cerame-Unie Webinar | The New European Bauhaus: Paving the Way for a Beautiful, Sustainable and Inclusive Built Environment With Ceramics
26 January 2022
Cerame-Unie Webinar “The New European Bauhaus: Paving the way for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive built environment with Ceramics” was held on Wednesday 26 January, from 10:00-11:30 (CET). More than 120 participants followed the webinar that had speakers from the European Parliament, The European Commission, the Ceramic Industry and two world renowned Architects. They provided different perspectives on the benefits and contributions of Ceramics in the New European Bauhaus Initiative
Please find below the Programme of the event:
Opening Remarks
Mr. Peter Woodward, Moderator
Keynote Speech
MEP Mr. Marcos Ros Sempere, Founder and coordinator of the New European Bauhaus Friendship Group, European Parliament
Introduction to the new European Bauhaus initiative - State of Play
Ms. Borislava Woodford, New European Bauhaus Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
The role of Ceramics in Architecture
Arch. Max Arrocet, Project Lead for MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Director, AL_A, London, UK
Ph.D. Arch. Borja Ferrater, Founding Partner, Office of Architecture in Barcelona (OAB), Spain
Ceramics in the New European Bauhaus
Mr. Mirosław Jaroszewicz, President, Tiles & Bricks Europe (TBE)
Panel Discussion
Watch recording here: